Monday, May 16, 2011

Unconscious Beliefs

I'm more plagued by unconscious beliefs than I am by disowned parts of my personality. When I sat down to work on lesson three I was looking at what I believe about myself, others, and the world in regards to the three areas I'd like to improve (finances, work, love life). For me, the process involved getting very quiet and letting thoughts bubble up. I couldn't do this with a pen and paper in my hand. I had to lie on the floor and allow plenty of space. What do I believe about my finances? I have to work long hours and make a lot of money to be financially independent. I don't have the energy to work long hours. I'm not creative enough to create multiple businesses. Pretty grim beliefs, wouldn't you say? When things go wrong in this area, I say to myself: I'll never get ahead financially. I'm lucky to keep my head above water. I need money, but I don't like working for it because other things are more important to me than money. Now if you're like me, you're kind of shaking your head thinking, no wonder she never gets ahead financially. Of course I will always prove to myself I'm right about what I believe by attracting people and situations that are tailor-made to help me be right, by interpreting what happens in a way that supports my belief, even if there are other possible explanations, and by behaving in ways that will give me certain results. This last part was mostly a quote from the homework sheet.

Just bringing these beliefs into my conscious awareness didn't make them go away, but at least now they can be examined. It's critical to recognize them as merely beliefs, not the truth. Beliefs can evolve and change and if I clearly see my beliefs as limiting I'm more willing to replace them. We're always going to have beliefs, and the trick is to believe what serves us and promotes happiness. Is it really true I'd have to work long hours to make a lot of money? Do I have to make a lot of money to be financially independent? If I look at these two beliefs closely I can see they're flawed. If I'm paid a lot of money for the hours I work, I wouldn't have to work a lot of hours. If I'm debt free and my needs are simple, I don't have to be wealthy to be financially independent. What else might I believe that would serve me better? Well, how about I am free to choose my beliefs?

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