Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Make Haste Slowly

Having written my intentions where others can see, I feel compelled to make it clear I expect this whole process to take time. I haven't lived all these many years without noticing conditions have to be right before things occur. What I want to do is develop enough awareness so I can see how to help bring the right conditions into play. I want to make haste, slowly. Patience is an aspect of persistence and without patience, we rarely persist.

I first really understood this about ten years ago. My husband had died and I was left with all his belongings. There were obvious things to let go of and as I went through the process of sorting and purging, I noticed a strong desire to organize the whole house. This wasn't a brand new desire. I'd feel it every time I looked at a Pottery Barn catalog or read a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. I love beauty and I wanted the drawers and closets to be as orderly and attractive as the living space. Even though I felt this way, the project just seemed way beyond my capacity until this particular time. This time, it was clear to me I could do it, if I'd take it in small chunks and keep at it. What amazes me is how obvious something is once you really see it.

I have a strong sense I can do whatever I really want to do, if I can just see it clearly. I suppose this requires some degree of elevation. The question is, how do I get to a higher state?

1 comment:

  1. Some times we can get to where we want to be more quickly if we proceed slowly in some place. That's lesson I'm learning from driving on CA-17 to Santa Cruz 2-3 times a week. ;-> - jc
